Self-hosting Contao with Caddy on netcup's piko VPS

by manu

A poor man's solution to host Contao

This blog is self-hosted on netcup's piko VPS G11s. The cheapest VPS host I could found and for the price it really is a steal! For EUR 1 a month you get:

  • 1 CPU
  • 1 GB RAM
  • 30 GB SSD

The best thing yet to come, custom images to install, including my lovely Arch Linux. Together with my 1.111B Class xyz domain this is a pretty cheap combo!

What's more, it is easier than I thought to get up and running an installation of Contao with the help of Caddy, the ultimate server. All I had to do, was installing caddy from the repositories along with mariadb and php-fpm. The configuration for the server itself couldn't be any easier: {
    root * /srv/http/public/
    php_fastcgi unix//run/php-fpm/php-fpm.sock
    encode zstd gzip

Just to be safe, I set the memory_limit to 512M and call it a day.

Who says 13 bucks can't get you anywhere?

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